Kim Kardashian’s Silver Platinum

New Silver White Platinum on Olaplex lover, Kim Kardashian! Color by Celebrity Colorist, Chris Appleton with Olaplex. Kim tells all about the process via her app:

“When we started the process, I was so scared that my hair would get ruined. It took about 12 hours for the first round of dyeing my hair– we definitely took our time with it so it wouldn’t get damaged. The last time I went platinum, a few years back, I dyed it in one sitting and never gave it the proper time, so this time I sat there for 12 hours straight. Then, we did another 5-hour session. In the end, so worth it.

I had to spend a week with yellow hair, just Olaplexing it and conditioning it every day, until we toned it and got it to lift to this amazing white-silver color. I’m so happy with it and want to keep it awhile!” — Kim Kardashian West

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